NGC 428
Taken By: Samara2 When taken: Aug 16, 2013 13:49:38 UTC
Taken By: Samara4 When taken: Jul 8, 2013 14:19:29 UTC
RA: 1h12'55" DEC: 0°58'46" Filter: RGB Exposure time: 300
14:21:06 UTC RA: 1h12'55" DEC: 0°58'46" Filter: Bessell-I
Exposure time: 40 secs.
14:27:16 UTC RA: 1h12'55" DEC: 0°58'46" Filter: Bessell B
Exposure time: 300 secs.
SN 2013ct,
(= PSN J01125492+0058457), CBET 3539 discovered 2013/05/10.773
Found in NGC 428 at R.A. = 01h12m54s.92, Decl. = +00°58'45".7
Located 11" west and 8" north of the center of NGC 428
Mag 13.1:6/2 (12.2:5/10),
Type Ia (z = 0.003843)
(References: ATEL 5081, CBAT TOCP)
YYYYMMDD(UT) mag observer
20130707.116 145CV (Jean Marie Llapasset)
20130707.123 143r (Jean Marie Llapasset)
20130707.123 147g (Jean Marie Llapasset)
20130707.132 143i (Jean Marie Llapasset)
20130801.057 152CR (Enrico Prosperi)
Optical spectral atlas of Seyfert nuclei
(Ho+ 1995)
